Falsche Anschuldigung

Interessant aus europäischer Perspektive. Ein Fall von falscher Anschuldigung in den USA. Der Football-Spieler Brian Banks sass 5 Jahre unschuldig im Gefängnis. Hier der Auszug aus Wikikpedia:

In the summer of 2002, Banks was arrested and charged after classmate Wanetta Gibson falsely accused him of dragging her into a stairway at Polytechnic High School (Poly) and raping her. Faced with a possible 41 years to life sentence, he accepted a plea deal that included five years in prison, five years of probation, and registering as a sex offender. Wanetta Gibson and her mother Wanda Rhodes sued the Long Beach Unified School District, claiming the Poly campus was not a safe environment, and won a $1.5 million settlement.[18][19] In March 2011, Gibson contacted Banks on Facebook, met with him, and admitted that she had fabricated the story. Banks secretly recorded Gibson’s confession, but she refused to tell prosecutors that she had lied so she wouldn’t have to return the money she and her family had won in court. Nevertheless, with Gibson’s taped admission and help from Northern California Innocence Project attorneys, Los Angeles County prosecutors overturned Banks’ conviction on May 24, 2012.[19]

On April 12, 2013, the Long Beach Unified School District announced it was suing Wanetta Gibson for $2 million in an effort to recoup the $1.5 million she received, along with attorney’s fees and punitive damages.[20] On June 14, 2013, the school district won a $2.6 million judgment against Gibson, which includes the $750,000 settlement initially paid to her along with attorney’s fees, interest, and $1 million in punitive damages.[21]

Banks now serves as a spokesperson for the California Innocence Project and is working on a documentary about his story.[12]

Interessant, dass die Frau, die ihn mit einer Lüge der Vergewaltigung bezichtigt hatte, von der Mittelschule, an der sich der Vorfall ereignet haben soll, wegen deren mangelhafter Sicherheit sehr viel Geld erhalten hat. Auch wir kennen ja die Tendenz, dass bei einem Delikt immer noch viele andere verantwortlich sein sollen. Interessant aber auch, dass eine falsche Anschuldigung nicht strafbar ist.

Interessant auch die Liste von Fällen unschuldiger Verurteilter hier.